LIU Wentao,TANG Xinying,LlANG Wenna,et al.Synthesis and Characterization of Polylactic acid Macromolecular Initiator by ATRP[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2014,35(03):31-34.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2014.03.008]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Synthesis and Characterization of Polylactic acid Macromolecular Initiator by ATRP
- 作者:
刘文涛; 唐新颖梁雯娜; 夏学莲; 何素芹; 朱诚身
- Author(s):
LIU Wentao; TANG Xinying; LlANG Wenna; XlA Xuelian; HE Suqin; ZHU Chengshen
School of Materials Scienee and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
- Keywords:
PLA; initiator; BlBB; conversion ratio
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- Abstract:
lntrodueing hydrophilie group onto polylaetie aeid ( PLA) by atom transfer radieal polymerizationwould faeilitate changing the hydrophobicity of PlA to amphipathy, in which progress maeromoleeular initiatorpreparation is the first step. The synthesis strategy of polylactie aeid maeromoleeular initiator ( PLA-Br) con.sisted of a two-step proeedure: ( i) degradation of high molecular weight PLA to about 8000 g/mol and molee-ular weight distribution about 1. 26 , followed by ( i) quantitative conversion of the PLA hydroxyl end-groupswith bromoisobutyryl bromide ( BlBB). The maeromoleeular parameters and struetures of PLA-Br were deter.mined by ’H-NMR spectroseopy and F’T-lR. Dependenees of conversion ratio of BlBB on the mole ratio olBIBB and PLA and the reaetion time were diseussed. The results showed that the highest esterilication rate olPLA was 79% as the mole ratio of BlBB and PLA 1: 2 and reaction time 24 h.
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