ZHAO Zhike,ZHANG Xiaoguang,WANG Xin.Trend Elimination Method of MechanicalVibration Signal Based on Local Mean Decomposition[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2014,35(05):100-104.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2014.05.023]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Trend Elimination Method of MechanicalVibration Signal Based on Local Mean Decomposition
- 作者:
赵志科; 张晓光; 王新
- Author(s):
ZHAO Zhike; ZHANG Xiaoguang; WANG Xin
1.School of Mechatronie Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Control Engineering of Henan Prvinee, Henan Polytechnie University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
- Keywords:
mechanical vibration signal; loeal mean deeomposilion; trend ; envelope signal; purely lrequeney
- 分类号:
TH 113.1
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- Abstract:
A novel method of trend elimination for mechanieal vibration signal by loeal mean decomposition isproposed in this paper. LMD is a deereasing deeomposition proeess from high-frequeney component to low-fre.queney component step by step, and both in amplitude and frequenee of the residual component which is veryweak. In view of the low frequeney for the trend of mechanieal vibration signals, and the residual componenfrom LMD has litle impaet on the trend. Therefore, the last PF component could be the trend for mechanieavibration signals. In order to validate the correctness of proposed method in this paper, by using the method olnumerical simulation to build the common linear trends, polynomial and exponential trend for loading on thesimulation signal and the measured vibration signals of rolling bearings. The proposed LMD method, the con-ventional least square fitting method, the wavelet analysis and the EMD method can be used to extract thetrends respeclively. Numerical simulation test and the measured data processing results show that this methocean aeeurately extract the trend of the mechanieal vibration signal, compared with the other methods to extractthe trend, and LMD has a certain advantage.
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