Wang Weishu,Cui Qiang,Zheng Mengxing,et al.Numerical Calculation of the Temperature Field of Membrane Water-wall of 350 MW Supercritical Boiler[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2017,38(01):46.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2016.04.026]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Numerical Calculation of the Temperature Field of Membrane Water-wall of 350 MW Supercritical Boiler
- 作者:
王为术; 崔强; 郑梦星; 陈刚
华北水利水电大学 热能工程研究中心,河南郑州,450011华
- Author(s):
Wang Weishu; Cui Qiang; Zheng Mengxing; Chen Gang
Thermal Engineering Research Center, North China University of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Zhengzhou, Henan 450011 Thermal Engineering
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
supercritical pressure boiler; membrane water-wall; water-wall temperature distribution; temperature field
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
针对350 MW超临界锅炉半周受热膜式水冷壁的温度特性,编制螺纹管圈膜式水冷壁壁温计算程序,利用程序计算分析在不同负荷下螺旋管圈的温度分布特性.研究结果表明:炉膛热负荷分布不均匀导致水冷壁吸热不均匀,水冷壁向火侧壁温及鳍片温度均有小幅度波动,同时受热面向火侧呈中间高两侧低的分布趋势,随着炉膛高度增加,水冷壁管壁温度升高且有一定的波动,在75% BMCR负荷下向火侧鳍端温度达到最高,最低温度出现在水冷壁下母线内壁处.
- Abstract:
In view of the temperature characteristics of semi circumference heated membrane water-walls in a 350 MW supercritical pressure boiler,a calculation program was built to obtain spiral membrane water-wall temperature distribution under different furnace loads.The results showed that:the uneven distribution of furnace heat load led to uneven heat of water-walls;temperature on the facing flame side of water-walls fluctuated within a narrow range,which was the same as the fin.The distribution of temperature on the facing flame side was low in the middle and higher on other sides.With the increase of height of furnace,temperature of waterwall rose and there was a certain fluctuation.The highest temperature appeared on the facing flame side of the fin,and the lowest temperature appeared on the inner wall of water-wall bus bar when BMCR load was 75%.
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