 Chen Mengting,Wang Xinggang,Liu Wenyu,et al.Dense Depth Interpolation for 3D Human Pose Estimation[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2021,42(03):26.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2021.03.005]





Dense Depth Interpolation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
陈梦婷 王兴刚 刘文予
Chen Mengting; Wang Xinggang; Liu Wenyu;
School of Electronic Information and Communication of Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
3D vision human pose estimation dense depth interpolation cross-domain generalization
The 3D human pose estimation is a challenging task in computer vision. Due to the difficulty of annotation, only some disperse key-point data form limited scenes are available, which makes 3D prediction a big challenge. In this paper, the human body is deemed as a flexible structure, but a specific limb can be viewed as a rigid-body. Given depths of two points on both ends, the depths of the whole limb can be estimated by dense interpretation. Therefore, this paper proposes a method that can take the dense depth interpretation feature map as middle supervision. It provides a denser and more structured target, instead of regression for disperse key-points directly. The MPJPG on Human3.6M reaches 50.9 mm with only a simple network structure. The cross-domain experiments on dataset MPI-INF-3DHP further show the generalization ability of the proposed method.


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