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Dynamic Gesture Recognition Method for Machining Operations Based on Multi-modalData Fusion
张富强12 曾 夏12 白筠妍12 丁 凯12
1. 长安大学 道路施工技术与装备教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710064;2. 长安大学 智能制造系统研究所,陕西西安 710064
ZHANG Fuqiang12 ZENG Xia12 BAI Junyan12 DING Kai12
1. Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment of MOE, Changan University, Xian 710064, China; 2. Instituteof Smart Manufacturing Systems, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
多模态数据融合 加工作业 动态手势识别 C3D Mish 激活函数 人机交互
multi-modal data fusion machining operation dynamic gesture recognition C3D Mish activationfunction human-computer interaction
为了解决单模态数据所提供的特征信息缺乏而导致的识别准确率难以提高、模型鲁棒性较低等问题,提出了面向人机交互的加工作业多模态数据融合动态手势识别策略。 首先,采用 C3D 网络模型并在视频的空间维度和时间维度对深度图像和彩色图像两种模态数据进行特征提取;其次,将两种模态数据识别结果在决策层按最大值规则进行融合,同时,将原模型使用的 Relu 激活函数替换为 Mish 激活函数优化梯度特性;最后,通过 3 组对比实验得到 6 种动态手势的平均识别准确率为 96. 8%。 结果表明:所提方法实现了加工作业中动态手势识别的高准确率和高鲁棒性的目标,对人机交互技术在实际生产场景中的应用起到推动作用。
In order to solve the problem of difficulty in improving the recognition accuray and the low robustness ofthe model caused by the lack of feature information provided by single mode data, a dynamic gesture recognitionstrategy based on multi-modal data fusion of machining operations for human-computer interaction was proposed.Firstly, the C3D network model was used to extract features from the depth image and color image modal data basedon the spatial and temporal dimensions of videos. Secondly, the recognition results of the two modal data were fusedaccording to the maximum principle at the decision-making level. Meanwhile, the Relu activation function used inthe original model was replaced by Mish activation function to optimize the gradient update effect. Finally, throughthree sets of comparative experiments, it was found that the average recognition accuracy of six dynamic gesturesreached 96. 8%. The results showed that the proposed method achieved the goal of high accuracy and high robustness of dynamic gesture recognition in machining operation, which would play a role in promoting the application ofhuman-computer interaction technology in actual production scenes.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02