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Relation Learning Completion Model for Few-shot Knowledge Graphs
李卫军 顾建来 张新勇 高庾潇 刘锦彤
北方民族大学 计算机科学与工程学院,宁夏 银川 750021
LI Weijun GU Jianlai ZHANG Xinyong GAO Yuxiao LIU Jintong
School of Computer Science and Engineering, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 750021, China
知识图谱补全 小样本关系 邻域聚合 链接预测
knowledge graph completion few-shot relation neighborhood aggregation link prediction
10.13705/ j.issn.1671-6833.2024.01.016
在小样本知识图谱中,实体对之间的关系表示复杂多样。然而,现有的小样本知识图谱补全方法普遍存在 关系学习能力不足和忽略实体上下文语义的问题。为解决这些问题,提出了一种基于关系学习的小样本知识图谱 补全模型FRLC。首先,在聚合高阶邻域实体信息的过程中引入了门控机制,这一步骤旨在丰富中心实体表达的同 时减少噪声对邻居的不良影响。其次,在关系学习阶段充分利用参考集实体对之间的相关性,实现更加准确的关 系表示。最后,在Transformer学习器中,引入了LSTM结构进一步学习实体和关系的上下文语义信息,用于预测新 的事实知识。为了验证FRLC的有效性,在公开的NELL-One和Wiki-One数据集上将FRLC与6个小样本知识图 谱补全模型和5个传统模型的5-shot链接预测进行了对比实验,结果表明:FRLC在MRR、Hits@10、Hits@5和Hits @1这4个指标上都有所提升,证明了模型的有效性。
In few-show knowledge graphs, the representation of relationships between entity pairs was diverse and complex. However, existing few-show knowledge graph completion methods commonly suffered from insufficient re lational learning capabilities and the neglect of contextual semantics associated with entities. To address these chal lenges, a novel approach called the few-shot relation learning completion model (FRLC) was proposed. Firstly, during the process of aggregating high-order neighborhood entity information, a gating mechanism was introduced to mitigate the adverse effects of noise on neighbors while enriching the representation of central entities. Secondly, in the phase of relation representation learning, the correlations among entity pairs in a reference set were leveraged to obtain more accurate relationship representations. Lastly, within the Transformer-based learning framework, an LSTM structure was incorporated to further capture contextual semantic information of entities and relationships, which was used for predicting new factual knowledge. To validate the effectiveness of FRLC, comparative experi ments were conducted on the publicly available NELL-One and Wiki-One datasets, in which FRLC was compared with six few-shot knowledge graph completion models and five traditional models for 5-shot link prediction. The ex perimental results showed improvements in FRLC across four metrics: MRR, Hits@10, Hits@5, and Hits@1, demonstrating the model′s effectiveness.


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