 WANG Bingchen,SI Huaiwei,TAN Guozhen.Research on Autopilot Control Algorithms Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2020,41(04):41-45.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2020.04.002]





Research on Autopilot Control Algorithms Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
WANG BingchenSI HuaiweiTAN Guozhen
School of Computer Science and Technology,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116000,China
神经网络' target="_blank" rel="external">">神经网络强化学习自动驾驶DDPG算法actor-critic网络LSTM
neural networkreinforcement learningautopilotDDPG algorithmactor-critic networkLSTM
In order to improve the learning efficiency of the autopilot car control algorithm based on reinforcement learning,this paper proposes an autopilot strategy learning algorithm DDPGwE (Deep Deterministic Policy Gridient with Expert,DDPGwE) combined with expert experience.DDPGwE used a DDPG-based reinforcement learning framework to conduct online training of the model;used real human driving data to pre-train the Actor network,and added an LSTM prediction mechanism to the Actor network to improve the prediction of the future status of autonomous vehicles.The experimental results in the simulation platform TORCS showed that Compared with the original DDPG algorithm,the algorithm proposed in this paper greatly reduced the training time and speedsed up the convergence speed,which improved the stability and generalization ability of the model.


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